Choose optimal taxi transfer from Split to Trogir center
We offer professional taxi transfer from Split to Trogir center with standard vehicle, minivan,maxi van, mini bus or big bus. Why choose our taxi services from Split to Trogir center? Top quality service,optimal price and simple online reservation are just few reasons why choose our taxi services. Don't wait and book safe and comfortable transfer now. All you need to do is choose vehicle depending on number of persons and book your optimal taxi from Split to Trogir center.
Standard vehicle Taxi transfer from Split to Trogir center

- Vehicle type: Standard vehicle
- Number of passengers: 1 - 3
- Estimated transfer duration: 0.60 h
Mini van Taxi transfer from Split to Trogir center

- Vehicle type: Mini van
- Number of passengers: 1 - 8
- Estimated transfer duration: 0.60 h
Average score
(1 Total)
Mrs. Suzanne S
Trogir center
- Vehicle: Mini Van
- Number of passengers: 8
- Date: 25/04/2018
Booking process:
Value for money: